Author Archives: admin

Kingston’s Most Wanted Haunted Hotel: An October Oasis

Every October here in Kingston, Ontario Canada, a historic city of 170,000 population, the Bayside Inn & Waterfront Suites becomes the epicenter of paranormal activity. Despite encounters with hotel “guests who check out but never leave” are experienced the year-round in this 22-room waterfront boutique hotel, there seems to be an exponentially growing presence of ghosts during the weeks j


KINGSTON, ON - February 28th - The activities to do in Kingston are endless! To begin with, you can enjoy the warm and relaxing ambiance of waterfront sightseeing and sunbathing on our hotel property. Activities such as outdoor fishing and barbecuing are also a popular choice. In addition, Northern Tech Diver, nearly next door to our hotel parking, entertains divers from across North Ame